
Thursday 27 December 2012

STATE BURIAL FOR GEN. ANDREW AZAZI Between 28th and 29th Dec.2012

Governor Seriake Dickson of Bayelsa state has announced a state funeral for late former National Security Adviser, Gen Andrew Owoeye Azazi. According to him, “the decision of the Bayelsa State Government to accord Azazi, a state burial was in recognition of his enviable record of service to the state and country”.
A statement signed by the governor’s Chief Press Secretary, Mr. Daniel Iworiso-Markson, said: “In view of the late General Azazi‘s illustrious military career and his remarkable contributions to Bayelsa state and Nigeria as a whole, his remains would be laid to rest at the Ijaw National Heroes Park in Yenagoa, the state capital. This is to demonstrate our respect and high regard for General Azazi as a true hero of Ijaw nation.”
The funeral would kick off on Friday December 28, with Service of Songs at the Peace Park in Yenagoa; Commendation Service on Saturday , December 29; followed by internment and state reception for guests and dignitaries. General Azazi, alongside then Kaduna state governor, Patrick Yakowa with their aides and pilots had died in a helicopter crash in Bayelsa on December 15.

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