
Wednesday 26 December 2012

                                             WHERE ARE THESE GOVERNORS?

Gov. Suntai             Gov.Imoke           Gov. Chime

Rumours and counter rumours have been the order of the day since Governors Sulivian Chime of Enugu State, Liyel Imoke of Cross River State and Danbaba Suntai of Taraba State became absent from the public space. While their aides have understandably been defending their absence with ‘many’ reasons, the wide spread believe that they are ailing governors, seem to be taking the better part of the news. Apart from Gov. Suntai who has been confirmed to be receiving treatment in Germany after an unfortunate aircraft crash which he piloted, Governors Chime and Imoke’s where about is still shrouded in secrecy.However,as much as their aides try to 'do their job',the question that will continuously beg for answer by the people of these states is "Where is our Governor?"

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