
Monday 21 January 2013

    Bishop resigns after being caught    cavorting with woman on beach

There is a popular saying that those who leave in glass house don’t throw stones. But Bishop Fernando Bargallo seems to have done that with his friendship with a woman he described as “long time friend”. The 57 years old Bishop Fernando Bargallo was forced to hand in his resignation after photographs emerged on television stations showing him frolicking and embracing a  blonde, bikini-clad woman at a luxury resort in Mexico.

 Bargallo, who led the Argentine Catholic Diocese of Merlo-Moreno outside Buenos Aires since May 1997, has reportedly admitted to having "amorous ties" with the woman he is seen embracing in the water, thought to be a divorced restaurant owner. He had initially claimed she was just a longtime friend. The Vatican has since accepted the resignation of the Argentine bishop.

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