
Tuesday 22 January 2013

    What is it with Movie Star Jim Iyke and Blogger Linda Ikeji?
For posting semi-nude pictures of Nollywood actor Jim Iyke on her blog, Linda Ikeji has incurred the wrath of the movie star as he called her “hermaphrodite witch”. Interestingly, Linda seems to be have anticipated this with the inscription below the said post with caption “Jim Iyke Shows Off Six Pack”, saying “ Every time I write about this dude he comes after me on Twitter, but I must do my job na…lol. Nice body”.Read more here:
True to Linda's prediction, Jim Iyke tweeted via his @jimiykeofficial handle “It’s m handle and my space. I do wit it wtf I pls. If dat hermaphrodite witch LINDA n her lame employees dt like it then hug a transformer!” . Linda has since replied via twitter saying “people 4rm Kenya have been sending me news about U, photos, voice notes. i refused to publish them now they are mad at me *wink*”
However, many people have been asking what is it with these two people. It would be recalled that the duo clashed over some posts on Linda Ikeji’s blog sometimes last year. I personally did not see anything wrong with the last post by Linda to warrant Jim Iyke’s kind of comment. Or is there something between them that we don't know?

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