
Tuesday 22 January 2013


Police in Delta State have arrested 25 year old labourer, Macaulay Onitcha, for allegedly burying his four months old daughter, Edna Macaulay, alive. It was gathered that Macaulay took the baby to the bushes, dug a shallow grave, threw the baby in the grave and covered it with sand.
But for Mr. Saturday Ekama who witnessed Macaulay burying the baby, and hurriedly exhumed her, little Edna would have been a dead child. Mr. Ekkama was said to put up a fight with Macaulay, over powered him and hurriedly exhumed her. Ekama took the child to the police station where he reported the incident. Little Edna is said to have sustained neck injury in the processes of her exhumation  and is currently undergoing treatment at Saint Francis Hospital, Okapra Inland near Asaba in Delta State while her dad is in police custody at the State Criminal Investigation Department, SCID, Asaba. Remorseful Macaulay has confirmed to the police that he attempted to kill his daughter in anger because since his wife gave birth to her, she has refused to sleep with him.
See pictures of Baby below:

Little Edna in the hospital

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