
Tuesday 22 January 2013


Monsignor Christopher Ajala

The Administrator, Catholic Diocese of Abeokuta, Monsignor Christopher Ajala, has giving reasons why the Catholic Church has not been participating in the activities of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), the umbrella body for Christians in the country, under the present leadership of Pastor Ayo Oritsejafor. According to Ajala, CAN is now too close to the government that it is now been run like a part of government. The catholic priest said this on Tuesday at a press conference to mark the 15th anniversary of the Diocese in Abeokuta, the Ogun State capital. Read him below:

“the umbrella body for Christians in the country had become too close to the government.He said CAN under Pastor Ayo Oritsejafor had derailed from its objectives of the body, adding: “The Catholic Church took their stand before the purchase or the aircraft was donated to him. “But what the Catholic Bishops Conference is complaining about is about the way they are running the national CAN now that is not meeting the objectives and the goals of CAN and the forefathers of CAN.“CAN is now being run as part of the government and we said no. “Because they (government) will dictate to us what to do and they will not take our advice seriously.
“The Catholic Church decided to withdraw from the activities of CAN at national level. “We are still part of the state. “We made our stand clear in November last year and by December, the man bought a jet.
“I don’t know how he got it but the President (Dr. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan) was there on that day the jet was delivered to him.
“So, what we are saying is that our religious leaders should be honest, upright and they should also be the conscience of this nation.
“If you are bought, the masses of this country are finished. “If you can use money to buy our religious leaders, then there is no hope for the common man. “That is the Catholic Church’s stand. “We are supposed to speak for the people to correct the wrongs in the society and assist every government to know the will of God for them and we still stand
by that” he said

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